“We do not get to know people by their coming to us.
We must go to them to find out what they are like.”
The most surprising thing to most people is the preparation that goes into our projects. Sharing ideas, designing, making full-scale layouts, finding material. We are often halfway through a project before cutting the first piece of glass. Most people relate only to the actual building of a window, not its creation. The walls of our studio are windows with deep ledges, with large sheets of glass that are propped up with light shining through for our consideration. Minute differences in color or texture are almost indiscernible to the untrained eye and are considered as we choose which piece of glass to use. The glass might be left in place for days so we can see the subtle changes of the light at dawn, midday or dusk; on a sunny day or overcast one.
We have patterned our business approach after European and colonial artist/craftspeople. Working on our property in the country frees us from the high overhead of commercial real estate and provides us with the flexibility and solitude to work creatively. With no office staff and marketing people, we are able to keep our overhead low and direct the funds we receive for commissions directly into the creation of our projects.

It’s what’s on the inside that counts.

Every summer – Virginia Creeper…..